Announcements 8-19-18

THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Andrew Curtis, Alden Haigh, Aubrey Leinhase, Eric Wagner, Dave Deubel (Tim Leinhase’s uncle), Brian Hoag (Jeff Hoag’s brother), Gary Irwin (Roger Irwin’s brother), Dawn Kardasz (Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Dan Kosek (Hering Family friend), Derek Marlar (Andy & Sandy Meyka’s nephew), Jackie Marshall (Tina Hoag’s aunt), Art Olzmann (Dolores Koehler’s brother), Pat (Dolores Koehler’s friend), Cyndi Preiss (Jeff Hoag’s sister), Miss Sommer (Dani Meyka’s friend), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter) and Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).
THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Zack Feterl, Daniel Klein, Grant Oltman, Chris Purkiss, Timothy Stratton and Ryan Thulin.
THOSE WHO ARE HOMEBOUND: Clara Betke, Sharlene Fortune, Alden Haigh, Kay Kacel, Eileen Lewis, Elsie Pincombe, Nancy Rice, Bobbie Seibel, LaRiene Sjo and Mary Tiedemann
RALLY DAY: Rally Day is September 9th, we will have Sunday School and Bible Class at 9am, Service at 10:15am and a picnic to follow service. Please mark your calendars and plan on joining us for this fun