KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS ALL THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Bob McPharlin, Gabriel Crowe (Andrea Moore’s friends nephew, who has leukemia), Dave (suffering with ALS), Gary Irwin (Roger Irwin’s brother), Janet (Michelle Prinz’s mom), Jody (Alicia Wagner’s friend), Dawn Kardasz (Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Liza and her unborn baby (Lisa Kokko’s friend), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter), Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).
ALL THOSE SERVING and PROTECTING at HOME and ABROAD: Rob Kokko, Grant Oltman, Zack Feterl, John Hering Jr., Dane McNelis, and Ryan Thulin.
ALL THOSE WHO ARE HOMEBOUND: Clara Betke , Sharlene Fortune, Alden Haigh, Kay Kacel, Elsie Pincombe , Nancy Rice, Bobbie Seibel, LaRiene Sjo and Mary Tiedemann, Allen & Barb Jahnke.
ALL THOSE WHO ARE HOSPITALIZED or RECOVERING: Covy Smith in a coma following a car accident (relative of Shelby Schwartz)
LASER TAG: All Jr. and Sr. youth are invited to Laser Tag-til-you-drag! Friday, February 28 th we meet at Hope at 6 pm. Sign-up is requested, and the cost is $15.00 which includes Laser Tag, pizza and pop! Pick up is at 10 pm 35335 S. Gratiot Clinton Twp. 48035. Flyers are available in the narthex; any questions contact Jill Oltman.
JANUARY EVENTS: January 31 st -Luau Night 6 pm
DINNER DANCE: Dinner Dance tickets are now available! The dance is Friday February 14 th , at 6:30 pm, cost is $45 per person. Tickets are available in the office, please call ahead (586)751-8010, to arrange pick-up. Deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, February 9 th .
SAVE THE DATE: February 28 th from 1-6 pm American Red Cross Blood Drive February 28 th – Youth Laser Tag Meet at Hope 6 pm cost is $15.00
Assisting in Divine Worship: Sunday, January 26 Altar: Jar Family Tellers: Jar Family Elder: E. Rose
Assisting in Divine Worship: Sunday, February 2 Altar: L. Kokko and A. Wagner Tellers: D. Meyka and S. Meyka Elder: J. Hoag