There are many ways YOU can be a Piece of Peace and volunteer!
CHURCH COUNCIL – Comprised of church Chairman/Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary and the Chair of each of the following Boards. They meet once a month.
BOARD OF ELDERS – Assists the Pastor and is concerned of the spiritual welfare of all members.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES – Maintains the church property and looks after repairs.
BOARD OF FINANCE – Manages the finances of the congregation. Financial Secretary/Assistant and Tellers make up this team.
BOARD OF CHURCH EDUCATION – Promotes and supervises Christian Education in the church, including Bible study opportunities.
BOARD OF OUTREACH – Promotes the church and brings the Gospel to the community.
BOARD OF DISCIPLESHIP – Encourages all phases of Christian stewardship, including time, talents, treasures and faith growth.
SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT – Supervises the Sunday School program, arranges for teachers and orders supplies.
USHERS – They see that the church is open and ready for service and assists parishioners during the service.
MARY MARTHA CIRCLE – All ladies of the congregation are members. They concentrate on missions, mite box offerings, Christian service and fellowship.
CHOIR – Choir rehearses Sundays following Worship Service, directed by Mrs. Kathy Flatt. The choir sings at a church service once per month.
FOOD PANTRY – Open 9-11am every third Saturday of the month; first come basis.