THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Clara Betke , Gabriel Crowe (Andrea Moore’s friends nephew who has leukemia), Gary Irwin (Roger Irwin’s brother), Dave (suffering with ALS), Janet (Michelle Prinz’s mom), Dawn Kardasz (Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter), Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).
THOSE SERVING and PROTECTING at HOME and ABROAD: Zack Feterl, John Hering, Rob Kokko, Dane McNelis, Grant Oltman, and Ryan Thulin.
THOSE WHO ARE HOMEBOUND: Sharlene Fortune, Alden Haigh, Allen & Barb Jahnke, Kay Kacel, Elsie Pincombe, Nancy Rice, Bobbie Seibel, LaRiene Sjo and Mary Tiedemann.
PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS : If you need to see Pastor, he will be in the office on Wednesday’s from 9 am-noon.
THANKS! LaRiene Sjo was deeply moved and thankful for the kind thoughts and the card letting her know that the congregation is thinking of her!!!
HATS, GLOVES AND SCARVES: We are once again collecting new or gently used (washed) hats, gloves and scarves to be given to those in need that come to our Food Pantry. Please place donations in the narthex bins by the doors leading to the hallway. Thank you for your generous donations to our community .
OCTOBER EVENTS: October 26 th – Men’s Breakfast 8 am
Assisting in Divine Worship: Sunday, October 13 Altar: D. Meyka and S. Meyka Tellers: D. Meyka and S. Meyka Elder: R. Kokko
Assisting in Divine Worship: Sunday, October 20 Altar: G. Rizzo and W. Ukrainec Tellers: T. Miller and K. Zamiska Elder: C. Jackson