Announcements 11-3-19(click to read)


This All Saints Day and Always, we take this time to remember the saints of Peace who have been called to their eternal reward this past year, especially Andrew Curtis, Eileen Lewis, Irmgard Slater and John Wolf. As well as family members/friends of Peace: Bob Ebbole, Norma Jaeger, Tom Bleet, Kevin Lilly, Sommer Goszewski, Susan Kelley, Al Bederka, Jim Cowden, Bob Rose, Joe Roehrig, Fred Turek and Larry Jones.

THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Gabriel Crowe (Andrea Moore’s friends nephew, who has leukemia), Gary Irwin (Roger Irwin’s brother), Dave (suffering with ALS), Janet (Michelle Prinz’s mom), Dawn Kardasz (Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter), Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).

THOSE SERVING and PROTECTING at HOME and ABROAD: Zack Feterl, John Hering, Rob Kokko, Dane McNelis, Grant Oltman, and Ryan Thulin.

​THOSE WHO ARE HOMEBOUND: Clara Betke , Sharlene Fortune, Alden Haigh, Allen & Barb Jahnke, Kay Kacel, Elsie Pincombe, Nancy Rice, Bobbie Seibel, LaRiene Sjo and Mary Tiedemann.

ALTAR FLOWERS: Today’s altar flowers have been placed In Honor of Rob and Lisa Kokko’s 29 th Wedding Anniversary.

LOCK-IN AT HOPE: This Friday, November 8 th from 7 pm-midnight, there will be a lock-in at Hope for the Unity Youth grades 4-8. Cost is $5.00, there will be fun, fellowship and games! Invite your friends!!! Please grab a flyer from the back counter 

THANKSGIVING FOOD PANTRY: We would like to do a little something extra for the November Food Pantry. We are asking for donations of $10 gift cards for Kroger, Meijer or Walmart. If you can donate these, or cash for us to purchase them, please give to Kathy Jar, Sandy Meyka or the office. The cut-off for donations will be Sunday November 10th.

HATS, GLOVES AND SCARVES: We are once again collecting new or gently used (washed) hats, gloves and scarves to be given to those in need that come to our Food Pantry. Please place donations in the narthex bins by the doors leading to the hallway by December 15 th . Thank you for your generous donations to our community .

NOVEMBER EVENTS: November 8 th – Ladies’ Night 7-9pm November 8 th – Unity Youth Lock-In November 23 rd – Men’s Breakfast 8am November 27 th – Thanksgiving Eve Combined Service 7pm November 29 th – Decorate Church with Fellowship following 6pm November 30 th – Choir Rehearsal for Christmas Concert 10am
