announcements 3-31-19


THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Gary Irwin (Roger Irwin’s brother), Dave ( suffering with ALS), Tiffany Jackson,  Janet (Michelle Prinz’s mom), Dawn Kardasz (Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Art Olzmann (Dolores Koehler’s brother),  Pat (Dolores Koehler’s friend), Al Rizzo, Matthew Steffen (Mitchell Kokko’s father-in-law), Dick Robertson (Laura Freestone’s dad), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter) and Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).

THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Zack Feterl, Grant Oltman, Chris Purkiss, and Ryan Thulin.

THOSE WHO ARE HOMEBOUND: Clara Betke, Sharlene Fortune, Alden Haigh, Kay Kacel, Eileen Lewis, Elsie Pincombe, Nancy Rice, Bobbie Seibel, LaRiene Sjo and Mary Tiedemann

SPRING RUMMAGE SALE: We will be having a Spring Rummage sale this year on April 6th, please begin gathering any items you wish to donate! You can call the office to arrange drop-off of items at (586) 751-8010. We will need plenty of help the first week of April with pricing and set up, please consider donating some time to this event!

SAVE THE DATE: Please mark your calendars and plan on helping with this year’s Postal Service Food Drive. The drive will be on Saturday May, 11 and we will need plenty of help! Does anyone actually read this bulletin? If you are able and willing to donate items for Aprils Food Pantry, we are in need of noodle, rice or potato packets and soups. There is a bin in the narthex to put these items.

EASTER FOOD PANTRY, APRIL 20TH: We would like to do a little something extra for the April Food Pantry, being it lands the day before Easter. We are asking for donations of $10 gift cards for Kroger, Meijer or Walmart. If you are able to donate these, or cash for us to purchase them, please give to Kathy Jar, Sandy Meyka or the office. The cut-off for donations will be Friday April 19th.
