Announcements 6-2-19

KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Gary Irwin (Roger Irwin’s brother), Dave ( suffering with ALS), Janet (Michelle Prinz’s mom), Dawn Kardasz (Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Art Olzmann (Dolores Koehler’s brother), Pat (Dolores Koehler’s friend), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter), Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).

THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Zack Feterl, Grant Oltman, Chris Purkiss, and Ryan Thulin.​

THOSE WHO ARE HOMEBOUND: Clara Betke, Sharlene Fortune, Alden Haigh, Kay Kacel, Eileen Lewis, Elsie Pincombe, Nancy Rice, Bobbie Seibel, LaRiene Sjo and Mary Tiedemann.

ALTAR FLOWERS: Altar flowers have been placed today In Honor of Tiffany Jackson’s Birthday by Cal and Ina Jackson. All are welcome to our “LEGO” and Let God evening! We are building a fun party with a Christian LEGO movie and activities for all! We will be serving walking tacos, popcorn and drinks. Freewill offering. Bring a friend and “LEGO” to Peace for laughs and fun! Questions? Call 586-751-8010 or message us on Facebook! June 21 st at 6 pm.

JUNE VOTERS MEETING: Resulting from the Call Committee meeting, Council decided on a Voters’ Meeting Sunday, June 16, immediately after the 9am service (No Bible Class or Sunday School that day). We will be voting on calling Pastor Rich.

JUNE EVENTS: June 9 th – Youth Car Wash at Hope 8am-noon June 14 th – Ladies Night 7-9 pm June 16 th – Voters’ Meeting following Worship June 21 st – LEGO Night 6 pm June 28 th – Men’s Night 7-9 pm

ASK THE PASTOR: The next Ask the Pastor Sunday will be June 30 th . Please submit your questions in the box by the sign-in table!

HOLY LAND TOUR: Visiting the Biblical sites in Israel & Jordan in a smaller group with other LCMS Lutherans! (Nov 12-23, 2019) Contact Darold Reiner — retired LCMS Pastor & LWML Int’l Counselor: 406-890-1149 or [email protected]
