VBS HELP NEEDED: VBS will be held July 30th, 31st and August 1. We are in need of volunteers to make this fun event run smoothly! Please contact Sandy Meyka to volunteer. We are serving dinner at 5:30 pm and VBS activities will begin at 6 pm.
July 4th -5th Office Closed for Independence Day
July 12th 7-9 pm Ladies Night
July 26th 7-9 pm Men’s Night
July 30th -Aug 1st VBS 5:30 pm Dinner, 6 pm VBS Activities Begin
THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Gary Irwin (Roger Irwin’s brother), Dave ( suffering with ALS), Janet (Michelle Prinz’s mom), Dawn Kardasz(Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Art Olzmann (Dolores Koehler’s brother), Pat (Dolores Koehler’s friend), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter), Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).
THOSE SERVING and PROTECTING AT HOME and ABROAD: Zack Feterl, John Hering, Rob Kokko, Dane McNelis, Grant Oltman, Chris Purkiss, and Ryan Thulin.
THOSE WHO ARE HOMEBOUND: Clara Betke, Sharlene Fortune, Alden Haigh, Kay Kacel, Elsie Pincombe, Nancy Rice, Bobbie Seibel, LaRiene Sjo and Mary Tiedemann.