Announcements 4-29-18

THOSE WITH LONG TERM ILLNESS: Andrew Curtis, Alden Haigh, Aubrey Leinhase, Eileen Lewis, Eric Wagner, Dave Deubel (Tim Leinhase’s uncle), Brian Hoag (Jeff Hoag’s brother), Gary Irwin (Roger
Irwin’s brother), Dawn Kardasz (Regina Delmotte’s granddaughter), Dan Kosek (Hering Family friend), Jackie Marshall (Tina Hoag’s aunt), Art Olzmann (Dolores Koehler’s brother), Pat (Dolores Koehler’s friend), Cyndi Preiss (Jeff Hoag’s sister), Sarah Werner (Ruth Greve’s granddaughter) and Vicki Wharton (Lisa Kokko’s aunt).
THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Zack Feterl, Daniel Klein, Grant Oltman, Chris Purkiss, Timothy Stratton and Ryan Thulin.
TODAY’S ALTER FLOWERS: Alter flowers today have been placed In Memory of Jerry Oltman by the Oltman Family.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Please plan on helping with the Annual Postal Workers Food Drive. This year’s drive will be on May 12th, as always, we will need many volunteers to help move, sort, date, etc.
 POSITION OPENING: Preschool Teacher and director at St. Augustine Lutheran Preschool in Troy. This is a school year position with variable summer hours. If you have an early childhood or child development background and are looking for a job that allows you to share Jesus and that fits your family’s schedule, please inquire by email at [email protected].
Position Opening: Afternoon preschool teacher’s aide
Please inquire by email at [email protected]